.. _running: ======= Running ======= Setup the database and running the application Update the database ------------------- Once the settings step is done, enter the following command to sync the database : .. code-block:: bash python manage.py migrate If you meet some errors with this command, have a look at the :ref:`migration` If you are installing the project from scratch, do not forget to create a super user: .. code-block:: bash python manage.py createsuperuser Start the application in development/local mode ----------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash python manage.py runserver Now open your browser and go to to start using the application Note, that if DEBUG Setting in the settings.py is set to DEBUG=False static files won't be served automatically and you'll need to setup a web server (e.g nginx or apache) to serve the statics files from the statics folder. If you do wish to run locally with DEBUG=False and automatic static files served you'll need to run .. code-block:: bash python manage.py runserver --insecure This isn't a settings recommended for production deployments. for production deployments please follow the guide provided in django docs_ .. _Docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/howto/deployment/wsgi/ Start the application in production mode ---------------------------------------- * Set `DEBUG` to `False` in `settings.py` * you need a HTTP server to be up and running with the following settings: For exemple for a Nginx HTTP server, with the following settings are just focused on the access to the application where `/home/sites/your-domain.com/th/` is the path to the virtualenv .. code:: ini server { [...] # ROOT website root /home/sites/your-domain.com/th/; location /static/ { root /home/sites/your-domain.com/th/; gzip on; } ## PROXY backend location / { proxy_pass; proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } [...] } * then from the folder `/home/sites/your-domain.com/th/`, run .. code:: python python manage.py collectstatics Setup gunicorn that will start the applications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the path `/home/sites/your-domain.com/th/bin` create a file `init.cfg` containing: .. code:: ini NAME="th" # Name of the application DJANGODIR=/home/sites/your-domain.com/th/ # Django project directory USER=foxmask # the user to run gunicorn as GROUP=foxmask # the group to run as NUM_WORKERS=1 # how many worker processes should Gunicorn spawn DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=th.settings # which settings file should Django use DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE=th.wsgi # WSGI module name IP= PORT=8000 #LOG LOGDIR=/home/sites/your-domain.com/logs LOG_LEVEL=INFO ERRORFILE="$LOGDIR$NAME-error.log" ACCESSFILE="$LOGDIR$NAME-access.log" # HTTPS=on # Activate the virtual environment cd $DJANGODIR source ../bin/activate export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE export PYTHONPATH=$DJANGODIR:$PYTHONPATH change USER and GROUP to the user and group that fit your needs create a gunicorn_start script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in the folder `/home/sites/your-domain.com/th/bin/` put .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash source $(dirname $0)/init.cfg echo "Starting Gunicorn for $NAME" exec ../bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application \ --name $NAME \ --workers $NUM_WORKERS \ --user=$USER --group=$GROUP \ --log-level=$LOG_LEVEL \ --bind=$IP:$PORT \ --access-logfile $ACCESSFILE --error-logfile $ERRORFILE then make the script runnable .. code:: bash chmod +x gunicorn_start